
Spondylosis is the degeneration of vertebral column. It refers to spinal osteoarthritis, the age-related wear and tear of the spinal column,which is the most common cause of spondylosis. Spondylosis can affect the joint anywhere along the spine, it occurs more commonly in the neck (cervical) and low back(lumbar)


  • Constant and abnormal pressure over the spine
  • Stress induced by sports, acute and/or repetitive trauma
  • Poor posture
  • Obesity
  • Age factor


  • Stiffness, particularly after a period of inactivity or rest
  • Paresthesis or abnormal sensation such as numbness or tingling
  • Limited range of motion in affected joints
  • Pain in the affected sites which may radiate to limbs

In Ayurveda

Spondylosis can be correlated with Vatavyadhiwherein Cervical Spondylosis can be considered as Viswachi and Lumbar Spondylosis as Katigraha.


Admission in the hospital for about 3 to 6 weeks, which will involve the following:

  • Educating the patient and family members
  • Lifestyle modification
  • Ergonomics
  • Regular therapeutic exercises
  • Ayurveda Panchakarma therapies
  • Ayurveda internal medicines
  • Physiotherapy
  • Yoga

What to expect after the treatment program:

  1. Reduction in pain, stiffness, tenderness of the affected part.
  2. Improved mobility and flexibility of the affected part.
  3. Improved quality of life.


Usually, follow-up treatment is advised after a gap of 6 to 9 months, depending upon the condition of the individual patient.

Please note:

Response to the treatment varies from patient to patient depending upon the duration of the illness, severity, stage and other co-morbid conditions.

 A lot of effort and participation from the patient’s side is needed to get the desired results. Patients who are too old & weak, who are mentally compromised / unstable, who are unable to follow basic commands, who are unable to respond to instructions and who have undergone DBS surgery cannot be taken up for treatment. Favorable results not expected with such patients.

  Patients above the age of 70 years may or may not get the desired results owing to old age.

  Patients having Cardiac (heart) problems and / or Renal (Kidney) problems may not be considered for treatment at our Institution.

  Patients having Psychiatric / Psychological issues may not be able to achieve the desired results.