
  • Obesity is a medical condition in which excess fat accumulates in the body to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health.
  • People are generally considered obese when their body mass index is over 30 kg/ m

 The range 25-30 kg/m2 is defined as over weight

  • Obesity has individual,socio economic and environmental causes including diet, physical activities, medications, mental disorders, economic policies, endocrine disorders etc.
BMI(KG/M2)Classification of obesity
FromUp to 
 18.5Under weight
18.525 Normal weight
2530Over weight
3035Class 1 obesity
3540Class 2 obesity
40 Class 3 obesity
  • Obesity increases the risk of many physical and mental conditions

These comorbidities are most commonly shown in metabolic syndrome, a combination of medical disorder which includes diabetes mellitus type 2, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and high triglyceride levels

Sthoulya/ Ayurvedic explanation:

In Ayurveda,Sthoulya is described as excessive accumulation of meda(fat/ adipose tissue) leading to flabbiness of hips, abdomen and breast. It is considered as one of the Santarpanotha Vikaras (disease due to consumption of excessive calories)

Medodushti(disorder of fat metabolism) may be one of the risk factor for ischemic heart disease.


4 to 6 weeks of admission with the following protocol:

  • Education the patient and family members
  • Very strict diet
  • Regular physical exercises
  • Selective Ayurveda therapies
  • Selective Ayurveda medicines
  • Yoga
  • Relaxation, medication
  • Counselling and psychotherapy in some cases.

What to expect after the treatment program:

  1. Reduction of body weight.
  2. Improved flexibility of the body.
  3. Lightness of the body.
  4. Reduction of pain, if any.
  5. Better control over Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, etc.
  6. Improved metabolism.
  7. Improved quality of life.
  8. Confidence for socialising.


Continuation of medicines for at least 3 months.

Repeat sessions, if needed.

Please note:

Response to the treatment varies from patient to patient depending upon the duration of the illness, severity, stage and other co-morbid conditions.

A lot of effort and participation from the patient’s side is needed to get the desired results. Patients who are too old & weak, who are mentally compromised / unstable, who are unable to follow basic commands, who are unable to respond to instructions cannot be taken up for treatment. Favorable results not expected with such patients.

Patients above the age of 70 years may or may not get the desired results owing to old age.

Patients having Cardiac (heart) problems and / or Renal (Kidney) problems may not be considered for treatment at our Institution.

Patients having Psychiatric / Psychological issues may not be able to achieve the desired results.