Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)

MSA is a neurodegenerative disorder, characterised by autonomic dysfunction, tremors, slow movement, muscle rigidity, postural instability and ataxia. This is caused by progressive degeneration of neurons in several parts of the brain including basal ganglia, inferior olivary nucleus and cerebellum.

  • Many people affected by MSA experience dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system which commonly manifests as orthostatic hypotension, impotence, loss of sweating, dry mouth and urinary retention /incontinence.Palsy of the vocal cords is an important and sometimes initial clinical manifestation of the disorder.
  • MSA often presents with some of the same symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Clinical diagnosis :

Certain signs and symptoms of MSA also occur with other disorder  such as Parkinson’s disease, making diagnosis more difficult through radiological ways CT, MRIetc.

In Ayurveda, it can be considered as a type of AvaranajaVata.


  • Educating the patient and family about the disease
  • Emotional support to the patient.
  • Selective Ayurveda therapies and internal medications.
  • Distressing the patient
  • Physiotherapy
  • Yoga
  • Diet modification if needed
  • Managing the comorbid conditions as well.

What to expect after the treatment program:

  1. Improved flexibility of the spine and joints.
  2. Improved flexibility of the muscle groups.
  3. Improved strength to the muscle groups.
  4. Improved balance.
  5. Improved coordination.
  6. Reduced difficulty for speech and swallowing.
  7. Improved gait.
  8. Improved mental status.
  9. Improved quality of life
  10. Other symptomatic relief.


Usually, follow-up treatment is advised after a gap of 6 to 9 months, depending upon the condition of the individual patient. A total of at least 3 follow-up sessions suggested.

Please note:

Response to the treatment varies from patient to patient depending upon the duration of the illness, severity, stage and other co-morbid conditions.

 A lot of effort and participation from the patient’s side is needed to get the desired results. Patients who are too old & weak, who are mentally compromised / unstable, who are unable to follow basic commands, who are unable to respond to instructions and who have undergone DBS surgery cannot be taken up for treatment. Favorable results not expected with such patients.

  Patients above the age of 70 years may or may not get the desired results owing to old age.

  Patients having Cardiac (heart) problems and / or Renal (Kidney) problems may not be considered for treatment at our Institution.

  Patients having Psychiatric / Psychological issues may not be able to achieve the desired results.